Simplicity does not come easy here at Virgil Guitars. To strip down the complexity of most of the guitars we build here AND be able to get these guitars at a price-point that would be enticing for most people's budgets.... well, we figured would be perfect. Introducing our "KT-X" series guitars. The KT-X is a cut & dry version of our "KT" series guitars. In this case, we wanted to start with a blank canvas. White. White with gold hardware! Don't let this "white sheep" fool you though, because there is a wolf inside here that will come out everytime you plug it in. We took a stab at some awesome pups made by Tesla Pickups on this very special build. These pickups are pretty hot, boasting 8.0k on the neck and a whopping 17k on the bridge, with ceramic magnets. This guitar is great for classic and heavy rock, alternative and blazing blues. It was sold on April 23rd, 2016